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Speaker at the Yearly Durham Energy Disputes Conference 2023

In the month of July 2023, Professor Steffen Hindelang was invited as a speaker/panellist  at the yearly Durham Energy Disputes Conference which took place at Durham Law School, England.

Professor Steffen Hindelang spoke about the non-application of Article 53(1) of the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States (“ICSID Convention”) in an intra-EU context and the consequences for non-enforcement of intra-EU investment awards based on the Energy Charter Treaty of 1994 (“ECT”) outside the European Union.

The conference was organised by Dean Volker Röben and admin was managed by Kristiyan Stoyanov. Participants of the conference shared their excellent presentations and illuminating discussions. Notable participants included Ylli Dautaj, Christian Leathley Christian Tietje, Peter Cameron, Iain Sandford, Filip Balcerzak, Ioana Knoll-Tudor, Henok Asmelash, Dr Gloria M Alvarez, and Can EKE.

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