Posts Tagged ‘USA’
Guest Speaker at Special Talk Series organised by Georgetown International Arbitration Society on “Sandwich Europe? The European Union’s Role in the Geo-Economic Power Struggle between The USA and China”
In June 2022, Professor Steffen Hindelang was invited as the guest speaker for a talk on “Sandwich Europe? The European Union’s Role in the Geo-Economic Power Struggle between The USA and China.” The event was organised by the Georgetown International Arbitration Society.
Read MoreUmfassende Wirtschafts- und Handelsabkommen – Das Recht der Happy Few? (Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreements – The Law of the Happy Few?)
TTIP Hearing European Parliament
Joint Public Hearing European Parliament – Committees on Legal Affairs and on International Trade on ISDS and Arbitration in TTIP Professor Hindelang presented and discussed the key findings of the Studies on “Investor-State Dispute Settlement provisions in the EU’s international investment agreements (ISDS)” by Professor Kuijper, Professor Pernice, and Professor Hindelang in the European Parliament JURI/INTA…
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